Monday, February 19, 2007

Move Forward

Homeschooling in Iowa comes under much scrutiny. I'm sure you can relate to questions like, "Do you actually socialize?" and "Is this legal?" You and I have been there. We've been pushed into the stereotype that dictates homeschoolers as quiet, meek, long-skirt and pant wearing unsocialized geeks. I wear long skirts. I've been classified a geek. But no one would call me unsocialized. I set out to break that pattern. I worked on political campaigns, attended TeenPact, did some part-time work at a Bible Camp, and interned at a floral shop. I started writing a book, and started a Bible Study. I detasseled for two years. And I was still homeschooled. I also graduated a year early. And can still out-spell some people. I can also claim sibling-ship to seven beautiful boys and girls. I've attended the homebirths of three of them as well. I took over the household while my youngest brother was in the hospital after birth complications, and started making all the supper meals about two years ago. And I was homeschooled. Most folks hear this and are silenced in their claims of unsocialization. And if they aren't, I'm more than willing to keep discussing different topics until they are convinced! Homeschoolers are brilliant. So let's let that fact be known!

Many parents have taught special-needs children, and triumphed over a society that told them to institutionalize these "incapable" humans. Many parents have had their children die, had spouses pass away or leave them, and yet they triumphed. How? By the grace of God, and support from others.

I had the chance to talk to a homeschool critic, and he asked, "Why would homeschooling be better than public schooling?" I asked him back, "Who do you think should know your child better? The state, or you, the parent?" I continued after receiving the reply that the parent should know better. "Well, then, would you rather your children learn your values, or the state's?" This gentleman vocalized that he would rather have his children agree with his perspective, and that much of our government's thinking was unfit for broadcasting. I simply told him that that was why my parents had homeschooled. They wanted me to be well-grounded in my faith and my convictions before the world could have me. Many people have never heard of such a thing or have never considered taking action on their preferences. If asked, many would acknowledge that homeschooling is better than public schooling. Interesting, is it not? And yet we are criticized, mostly from minds of ignorance.

It is my personal belief that to win over your "enemy", you must first persuade them. That is where passive aggression must come in, alongside the meek and quiet spirit you wish your children to learn. If you wish to feel inspired, know that Charles Dickens, Blaise Pascal, Agatha Christie, Douglas MacArthur, and Amadeus Mozart were all homeschooled at one point or another. (Home School Legal Defense Association.) We have a great opportunity to stand up for our beliefs, and our freedoms!

So make your case. Be informed about homeschooling choices. Have your list of references, and be willing to talk to your legislator. I believe that we are backed by God, and that this is a spiritual battle to fight. Lord willing, homeschooling will be strengthened and thrive!

"...It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."-- Samuel Adams

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