Friday, July 23, 2010

Loving Your Wife

Here's few suggestions for loving your wife. See if she agrees.

Spend time with her
Pray with her
Pray for her
Lead her in family worship
Read to her
Listen to her talk, saying uh-huh at least once every 5 min
Talk to her – except when she’s talking.
Go first when you’ve arrived late and the only open seats are in the front row
Fix her appliances
Labor for her food, clothing, and shelter
Be the first to seek forgiveness when estranged
Instruct her in the Scriptures
Study her – her likes & dislikes, strengths & weaknesses
Dwell with her in an understanding way
Hold her
Sleep with her
Make decisions
Make decisions in her best interest
Walk between her and the road
Defend her good name and honor
Laugh with her, never at her.
Have a vision
Communicate your vision to her
Utilize her talents
Don’t push her buttons
Buy her gifts
Encourage her
Thank her for her labors
Clean your plate – even the mistakes
Kiss her on first arriving home
Kiss her goodbye
Buy her the best tools
Ensure she takes care of herself
Protect her
Confide in her
Seek her advice
Fire the people that need fired
Cover her faults
Teach her graciously
Preserve her authority
Uphold her lawful government
Correct her unwise government
Confess your sins against her
Lead her with wisdom
Rule with diligence
Be jealous of her time & love
Put your dirty laundry in the laundry – if it always misses, buy her a bigger basket
Desire her body
Receive her attention and affection
Change the flat tire on her car
Open her car door
Tell her you love her
Smile at her
Walk hand in hand in public
Praise her labor
Delight in all that is her
Be the HUSBANDman of her garden

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